We are planning a memorial ceremony at Bravo for those members of the Lincoln/ Bravo Family who have passed away over the years, and will let you know when it will take place. If you know of anyone from our community who has passed away and/or know family members’ contact information, please e-mail Ms. Vrabel, Interim Recording Secretary, at: vrabelbravoalumni@gmail.com and she will get back to you. The Memorial Lists for students and faculty/staff are now available on the website.
Irma Alcala …………………………..1989
Adey Assefa…………………………..2009
Paul E. Barton………………………..
Jacob Borjas …………………………1996
Freida Brown Garcia…………………1989
Ardena Carter ……………………….1997
Daniel (Danny) Chea ………………..2009
Steven Conejo ……………………….2005
Douglas Cruz…………………………1993
Sunjay Desai ………………….……...1986
Juan Jose Diaz…………………………2014
Uchechukwu Ebigbo …………………2000
Alma Michelle Escoto ………………...2000
Jose Estrada Jr. ………………………..2009
Alfonso Go …………………………...1996
Juan Carlos Gomez……………………1994
Rolando Gonzalez …………………….2000
Karma Dyan Johnson …………………1993
Nelson Magan Joseph………………,…2025
Stan Karas …………………………….1996
Garen Ketikyan ……………………….2001
Edgar D. Langarica …………………...2008
Leslie Laush……………………………1996
Victor Lu ……………………………..2000
Steven Ly ……………………………..2006
Alejandro Martinez……………………2013
Carina Martinez ……………………....2004
Jessica Martinez………………………..2007
Emmery Rose Munoz ………………...2006
Fabian Navarro ………………………..2015
Armen Ordakyan ……………………..2002
Karina Medrano (Ozuna) …………….1998
Nachelay Parks ………………………..2012
Wendell Pascual………………………..1993
Lisa Quinones………………………….1994
Andy Ramos ………………………….2002
Ruben Ramos ………………………...2004
Michelle Rebollo ……………………...1990
Audran E. Robinson …….……………1993
Jessica Lopez Rojas ……………………2009
Ruwan Shevuka Ruparatne ……….…...1996
Pearson Tang …………………….……2010
Thuy Tran ……………………….……2016
Gabriela Trujillo…………………….…1988
Karpis Torosyan ……………………….2011
Michelle Uribe…………………………1996
Lance G. Van Gils ……………….……2010
Steven Vasquez ………………………..2008
Thomas Zarate Jr. ……………………..1996
Luis Zavala ……………………………1998
Valentin Aguilera………………………………… Missing
Judy Barbatoe…………………………………….10/22/2024
Anna Barnes………………………………………. 05/1995
David Bellos……………………………………….9/12/2023
Irene Briceno…………………………………….. 12/21/2015
Ralph Butler……………………………………... 12/01/2015
Erlene Carrillo…………………………………… 09/1989
Cesar Chavez…………………………………….. 04/12/2013
Consuelo Hue……………………………………. 11/28/2021
Jose De Leon…………………………………….. 06/28/1996
Dr. Douglas Evans……………………………….. 06/25/2009
Jim Franco……………………………………….. 06/26/2016
Francisco Gonzalez……………………………… 02/23/2010
Bruce Vaughn Graham……………………………April 2023
Jon Hyde………………………………………… 09/02/2014
Minnie Kendrick…………………………………. 12/12/2001
Rudy Montoya …………………………………… 1989
Maria Morales……………………………………. 06/06/2016
Gloria Pace ………………………………………. 2017
Frank Rodriguez………………………………….. 02/12/2022
Margaret Roland…………………………………. 12/11/2016
Maria Elena Sanchez……………………………….07/11/2023
Serafin Viramontes……………………………….. 02/18/2007
Carmen Westendorf ……………………………… 04/21/2010
Ellen Wormser…………………………………… 03/2019